The nucleus of this site is the individual profiles of each person I have been able to find that was in air force service during the war. The profiles can be accessed though the alphabetical index.
The nucleus of this site is the individual profiles of each person I have been able to find that was in air force service during the war. The profiles can be accessed though the alphabetical index.
Poul Bent Heilmann is one of a small number of Danish volunteers in the Malayan Volunteer Air Force during the Second World War.
When Johan Mogens Holm arrived in Shanghai in August 1938, he wanted to join the Chinese Nationalist Air Force in their fight against the Japanese fores in the Second Sino-Japanese War. The Japanese victories—if nothing else—prevented this plan and instead he became a Police officer in the Shanghai Municipal Police and a member of the merchant navy in the Far East before the end of the war.
Bendt Poul Rasmussen was a merchant sailer before the war. He volunteered for the Royal Norwegian Air Force in 1941. He shipped overseas to England in late 1942, at which point he transferred to the Royal Norwegian Navy.
1LT Maggie Ingeborg Carlson enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) in 1942. She was one of twenty-nine Danish born WACs during the Second World War. Before and after the war, she worked in the U.S. Foreign Service in, among other places, Denmark.