Danish WW2 Pilots

Sqn Ldr Knud Rosenauer Hauch

(1911 - 2000)

Knud Rosenauer Hauch is in service in the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. He is promoted to Squadron Leader and is awarded the OBE.

Knud Rosenauer Hauch is born on 12 September 1911 in Asmild. He is the son of later minister for agriculture Henrik Andreas Rosenauer and Ellen Hauch (née Rosendahl). [1]

He finishes his A-levels in Viborg. He graduates from the Polytechnic in Copenhagen as civil engineer (construction) in 1934. He is employed by the Danish construction company Christiani & Nielsen in 1934 in Copenhagen, and from 1936 to 1940 in London. [2]

In Royal Air Force service

He is in Royal Air Force service from 1940 to 1945. I have little information on his service. He is involved in photographic interpretation during the war. One can only guess that his knowledge of construction is used in the war service. [3]

He is confirmed in appointment as Pilot Officer and promoted to Flying Officer on 23 September 1941. [4]

On 1 January 1945 he is Mentioned in Dispatches. He then holds the rank of Acting Squadron Leader. [5]

In 1945-46 he is part of the SHAEF Mission to Denmark. At the end of the war he is Chief Liaison Officer for Repatriation. He is awarded Officer the British Empire on 30 November 1946. He returns to Christiani & Nielsen in 1946. [6]

After the War

He is naturalised as British subject on 24 March 1954. [6]


  1. Asmild parish record,
  2. London Gazette issue 40176, Ancker, 2001
  3. Dansk Ingeniørforening, 1971
  4. AIR 2/9550, Dansk Ingeniørforening, 1971
  5. London Gazette issue 36866
  6. Ancker, 2001, Dansk Ingeniørforening, 1971
  7. London Gazette issue 40176