Danish WW2 Pilots
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    Britain's Victory, Denmark's Freedom. Danish Volunteers in Allied Air Forces during the Second World War
  • Space
    Danish WW2 Pilots

Emmanuel Richard Thomsen

Emmanuel Richard Thomsen is one the Danes who volunteer for the Royal Canadian Air Force. He serves as tractor operator with the rank of Corporal.

Mogens Louis Bramson

Mogens Louis Bramson was a Danish born aero engineer, who served briefly in the RAF in 1939 and in the ATA in 1939-40. His main contribution to the air war, however, was as an independent consultant instrumental to the funding of the the development of the first British jet engine by Frank Whittle.

V1 Flying Bombs over London

Shortly after D-Day, the first V1 flying bombs hit London. Three Danish fighter pilots were involved in the fighter defence against the flying bombs in the summer of 1944.

Singapore Cadets

The Danish pilot Poul Henrichsen worked for the East Asiatic Company in Singapore before the war. In October 1941, he volunteered for flying training at the Government Flying Training School in Singapore. The article tells the story of this establishment.