Danish WW2 Pilots


The nucleus of this site is the individual profiles of each person I have been able to find that was in air force service during the war. The profiles can be accessed though the alphabetical index.

Else Petersen

Else Petersen enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) in 1942. She was one of twenty-nine Danish born WACs during the Second World War.

Dagny Andersen

Dagny Andersen served in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force during the Second World War and served as a driver in United Kingdom.

Jens Ipsen

Jens Ipsen volunteers for the Royal Air Force early in the war. He is one of the Danish pilots posted to No. 234 (Madras Presidency) Squadron during the Second World War.

Borge Olufsen Kellstrom

S/Sgt Borge O. Kellstrom was killed in action, when B-17G 43-38234 Easy Does It was shot down by flak on a mission to Berlin on 5 December 1944. He was born in Rønne, Denmark, but emigrated with his family to the USA in 1923. He was one of more than 30,000 Danish-Americans mobilized during Second World War.